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Bayer releases a new herbicide to fight Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth

Bayer's plan to launch a new herbicide will hopefully give farmers a new tool to fight against two of the worst weeds faced in ag. Bayer stated in a press release, "Diflufenican has been used for several years in Europe to manage broadleaf weeds in crops like lentils and winter cereals, but this is the first time the product will be used in North America."

Diflufenican will fly under the trade name Convintro after EPA approval in several years. It will be labeled for burndown and pre emerge applications.


Wendell's Take:

Is this product the trait that will be added to the upcoming soybean trait stack coming in a few years? If it is to be used for burndown and pre emergent apps, sounds like it will be able to reduce the reliance on dicamba. While we will always need all the tools on the farm, reducing a more volatile chemistry for a lesser one will significantly reduce usage of the auxin products. Nevertheless, this is exciting and we will be watching closely on information surrounding this news flash.

Cited articles:

Brownfield Ag News by Kellan Heavican "Bayer releases new product to fight Waterhemp, Palmer Amaranth"


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