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A Team Late Season Evaluations 20.08.15

“Careful evaluation of information that is portrayed as fact is critical.” ―Steven Redhead

This plot near Metz, MO was evaluated for late season looks on the morning of August 15, 2020. I was reminded of how close this plot came to death after walking it and seeing the affects present here. After several weeks of 90 plus degree days and warm nights above 75 with no rain the resilience of these products are a testament to the advancement of genetic development. The current stages of the products here is R5 with the early products around ½ milk line to the longest being ¼ or less. Temperatures cooled down a week or so ago, but we have heated back up to the 90s which no doubt is speeding maturity along. The three ratings we will be doing in this corn plot are Disease, standability, & ear uniformity. As a sub rating we will be analyzing stalk strength using the push test. This differs from standability in that instead of lookiing at current stalks on the ground we push stalks to see if there is any stalk rot in the nodes. But, first we will comment on each hybrid. Then, we will dive into the evaluations. Ratings are 1-5 with 1 the most desirable and 5 the least desirable.

  • Comments

5866AM This hybrid would certainly benefit from fungicide. Southern/GLS heavy

5994V2P Poor stalk integrity, nodes had black rot and stalk core cannibalized

5909Q Stay green excellent, beautiful grain

6038VR Stalks dying from drought/heat stress w/ some stalk rot

6049V2P Stay green and disease resistance good

6112V2P Decent grain fill, awesome kernel retention in spite of heat/drought

6274V2P GLS/SR but strong stalks and fighting infection well

6256Q Great grain quality, big ears 18 rounds, high ovule count

6282AM Some ear molds but less tip back than 6274V2P

6374V2P Low GLS/SR, strong stalk, leaf intactness, & grain quality

6368V2P small but strong stalks

6414V2P shorter willowy plant under drought, great ear size & kernels, VL disease.

6481AM Higher end performance, better in HP, weak shank drought, L disease

6557V2P SR but mostly lower leaves, large stalks

6589V2P large leaf & stalk, ear flex

6506VR stiff stalks, uniform ears, above grain Q for Syngenta

6743AML High ovule count, no ear worm, low disease

6774V2P Great stay green & ear fill in spite of hitting heat/drought wrong

  • Disease

5866AM 4

5994V2P 3.5

5909Q 2

6038VR 2.5

6049V2P 2

6112V2P 3.5

6274V2P 3.5

6256Q 2.5

6282AM 2.5

6374V2P 2.5

6368V2P 2

6414V2P 2

6481AM 2.5

6557V2P 3.5

6589V2P 2.5

6506VR 3

6743AML 2.5

6774V2P 3

  • Stand ability & stalk push test

5866AM 2 2

5994V2P 3.5 4.5

5909Q 2 2

6038VR 3 4

6049V2P 2.5 2

6112V2P 2.5 2

6274V2P 2 2

6256Q 2 2

6282AM 2 2

6374V2P 2 1.5

6368V2P 3 2.5

6414V2P 2 2.5

6481AM 2 3.5

6557V2P 2 3

6589V2P 2 2

6506VR 2 2

6743AML 2 2

6774V2P 2 2

  • Ear uniformity

5866AM 3.5

5994V2P 3

5909Q 3

6038VR 3.5

6049V2P 3

6112V2P 3.5

6274V2P 2.5

6256Q 3.5

6282AM 3

6374V2P 2.5

6368V2P 3

6414V2P 2

6481AM 4

6557V2P 3

6589V2P 3

6506VR 2

6743AML 3

6774V2P 3


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