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Green and Blue Infinity Leaf with TOP Ag Services LLC

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” -Thomas Jefferson

Here is the status of the short season corn plot near Rich Hill, MO. This plot like everything else has been inundated with heavy rain. The corn was around V6-V7 with nodes stacked tightly due to cool weather. Temperature the day this evaluation took place was in the upper 70s. Skies had scattered clouds, soil moisture was ample, but not saturated. The corn had been recently top dressed with treated Urea several weeks before.

Color Ratings 1-5 (1= yellow, 5 = dark green)

5140HR: 4

5313AM: 3

5113AM: 3

5077V2P: 2.5

4971AM: 4

4636V2P: 3

4323VZ: 3

4292V2P: 3

Uniformity Ratings 1-5 (1 = yellow, 5 = dark green)

5140HR: 3

5313AM: 2.5

5113AM: 2.5

5077V2P: 4

4971AM: 3

4636V2P: 4

4323VZ: 2

4292V2P: 3

"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." -Zora Neale Hurston

Here is a look at the mid to long season plot in the Rich Hill, MO area. It is currently at the V5-V6 stage. After weeks of wet weather and air deprived soils, the corn is just hitting the Nitrogen as it's roots start growing. Beck's Hybrids places much emphasis on clear research. At TOP Ag Services, we want to continue and extend this information and carefully replicated data to you. We feel it is important for you to see the products in these plots to be able to make the best decisions for product placement on your farm. This year you can check back to this Test Plot reporting to see updates. Also, feel free to call me and setup a time to go and walk this plot. Or, ask directions and stop by it at your leisure. And, at the very least you can always visit from your phone or computer to see the latest updates on these products throughout the year on our Early Corn Early and the mid/long season plot. Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the plot maps and layout brought to you courtesy of Beck's Hybrid's FARMserver data management software.

Headlines on this walk would put 6282AM leading on growth (it was the first out of the ground), the new experimental 2902 standing out in the 115+ lineup as a leader on growth and good color, and 6948BR has been the slowest, but makes up for it in consistent color.

Here are color ratings on a scale 1-5 1= yellow, 5= dark green) evaluated by Wendell Koehn:

5699V2P: 2

5866AM: 4

6082AM: 3

6049V2P: 2

6112V2P: 3

6274V2P: 2.5

6282AM: 3

6368V2P: 2

6414V2P: 3

6948BR: 3

6589V2P: 2

6622AM: 3

EX2902: 3

6774V2P: 2

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